Discover Fiit. Simple range of flavours.

Discover Fiit with new look and real tobacco taste

Fiit is compatible with lil SOLID Es and lil SOLID 2.0
Fiit is compatible with lil SOLID Es and lil SOLID 2.0

Discover Fiit flavours

Classic tobacco blend with light nutty aroma notes.
Mellow blend with subtle tobacco aroma notes.
Fiit Crisp
Fiit flavours for lil SOLID Es
Real tobacco experience from full bodied, rich and mellow tobacco blends.
Real tobacco experience from full bodied, rich and mellow tobacco blends.
Feel like something fresh? We offer refreshing and crisp tobacco experiences.
Feel like something fresh? We offer refreshing and crisp tobacco experiences.
Prefer aromatic? Explore balanced tobacco blends with citrus, tropical or garden fruit notes.
Prefer aromatic? Explore balanced tobacco blends with citrus, tropical or garden fruit notes.
Tobacco experience made simple.
Fiit tobacco sticks designed to be used with the new lil SOLID Es for real taste satiety.
Fiit tobacco sticks designed to be used with the new 
lil SOLID Es for real taste satiety.