
What is carbon monoxide (CO)?

Carbon monoxide, or as it is more popularly known, “shmol” gas, is a colorless, tasteless and odorless poisonous gas. It is produced in large quantities when certain things burn, such as fuel, wood, or the tobacco in burning cigarettes.

When you burn a cigarette, the CO passes through the lungs into the bloodstream during inhalation, causing the body to work harder to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body, which has a negative effect on the brain, heart and muscles.

Carbon monoxide, or as it is more popularly known, “shmol” gas, is a colorless, tasteless and odorless poisonous gas. It is produced in large quantities when certain things burn, such as fuel, wood, or the tobacco in burning cigarettes.

Compared to cigarettes, the use of IQOS produces on average 98% less carbon monoxide (CO), as well as significantly lower levels of other harmful chemicals.1

How and where to measure the level of CO gas in your body?

There is a special device for measuring the level of carbon monoxide (CO), which can be used to measure the concentration of CO in your exhaled air. By the way, the device is available in all official IQOS stores.

It shows how much CO is measured in your exhaled air in parts per million. In the table below you can see how the different CO measurements are characterized.

Այն ցույց է տալիս, թե որքան է կազմում CO-ի մակարդակը Ձեր արտաշնչած օդում: Ներքևի աղյուսակում կարող եք տեսնել, թե ինչպես են բնութագրվում տարբեր CO չափումները։

As you can see, the level of CO in exhaled air is different for cigarette smokers and non-smokers.

So, if you have a friend who is an adult smoker2 and is interested in a smoke-free alternative, you can:

• Visit any of our official store with your friend2,
• Pass the test completely free of charge with a special device,
• Measure CO levels and compare your results.

We also remind you that if your friend2 is interested in a smoke-free alternative, you can register his/her contact information through our Viber Bot or the "Inform a friend" section of the website. That way, when visiting our store, your friend can pass the CO test and with the device you and your friend* will get a special package available in Dalma, Yerevan Mall, and Megamall. 🎁

As mentioned earlier, the free CO test is available at all our stores, completely free of charge. The full list of currently available IQOS points is here:

1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This does not mean a 98% reduction in risk, and carbon monoxide is only one of many harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke. IQOS is not risk-free, and contains nicotine which is addictive.
We measured the levels of the 9 harmful chemicals the World Health Organization recommends reducing in cigarette smoke, which do not include nicotine, and these are reduced on average by 95%.

2 Adult smoker or other nicotine product user

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