

In this article we will talk about the features of the smoke free alternatives, particularly tobacco heating systems as a product category and explain why heating is the basis of this system. How is it different from burning? How is the process of using tobacco heating devices different from smoking a cigarette?

Difference 1. Heating vs Burning

Before answering these questions, it's worth noticing that tobacco at the tip of cigarettes burns at a high temperature, producing a large amount of harmful chemicals contained in smoke.

In contrast, tobacco heating devices heat tobacco to a much lower temperature. Hence the differences between cigarettes and tobacco heating systems are conditioned by the absence of combustion.

Difference 2. Switching completely to certain smoke-free alternatives may present less harm for you and those around you compared to smoking

If you search, you will find a number of scientific papers, as well as independent clinical research on your device. There are smoke free alternatives that have scientific evidence proving that aerosol produced by them contains significantly less harmful substances than cigarette smoke.

Smoke-free alternatives may have less or no negative impact on indoor air quality. They do not produce smoke, hence there is no second-hand smoke as well. That is why using smoke-free devices are less likely to disturb others nearby. Still, this does not mean that such alternatives are risk free.

Difference 3. Cigarettes produce tar – certain tobacco heating devices do not

Certain tobacco heating devices do not produce tar, because they heat tobacco instead of burning it.

Tar is the residue from smoke after a cigarette is burned. Contrary to cigarettes, certain tobacco heating devices produce aerosol residue that is fundamentally different from tar and consists of significantly lower levels of harmful chemicals (excluding nicotine) compared to cigarette smoke. However, the absence of tar does not mean that tobacco heating systems are risk free. They provide nicotine which is addictive.

Difference 4. Cigarettes produce high amounts of carbon monoxide, certain tobacco heating devices do not

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that is produced as a result of burning organic matter, in particular while burning a cigarette.

Cigarettes produce high amounts of carbon monoxide, while certain tobacco heating devices do not. The smoke-free alternatives heat tobacco, potentially producing significantly less carbon monoxide (CO) and significantly lower levels of other harmful chemicals compared to cigarettes.

Difference 5. Tobacco heating devices may have a number of advantages in daily life

You already know that, unlike cigarettes, smoke-free alternatives do not burn tobacco and, therefore, do not produce smoke and ash. After switching to smoke-free alternatives you may also notice:
- Less odor
- Fresher breath
- Less unpleasant feeling and aftertaste
- Less stains on teeth

Every day, thousands of adult smokers around the world switch to heating tobacco and stop smoking. Completely switching to well-tested tobacco heating devices is a better alternative than continuing to smoke.

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