
It is very important not to combine

The experience of tobacco heating devices may seem unusual to cigarette smokers.

The reason is that while smoking a cigarette, the smoker also inhales the smoke, which causes a heavy/thick feeling in the chest.

With IQOS, there is no smoke, so the feeling is much lighter. Satiety comes from nicotine, and its level is completely relative to the level of nicotine in a cigarette and directly depends on the intensity of your puffs.

In order to reach satiety, you should not use cigarettes at all for at least 7-14 days.

Some customers feel fuller when combining two flavors of heatsticks.

Let's dive deeper into the differences between cigarettes and tobacco heating devices.

Difference 1. Heating vs Burning
Tobacco at the tip of cigarettes burns at a high temperature, producing a large amount of harmful chemicals contained in smoke.

In contrast, IQOS heats tobacco to a much lower temperature. Hence the differences between cigarettes and this particular tobacco heating system.

Difference 2. Cigarettes produce tar – IQOS doesn’t
IQOS does not produce tar2, because it heats the tobacco instead of burning it by delivering nicotine, the true taste and satisfaction of real tobacco. Meanwhile, the main cause of smoking-related issues is not nicotine, but the burning process and tar.

Tar is the residue from smoke after a cigarette is burned. Contrary to cigarettes, IQOS produces aerosol residue that is fundamentally different from tar and consists of significantly lower levels of harmful chemicals.

Difference 3. IQOS emits 95% less harmful chemicals compared to cigarettes3

If you search, you will find a number of scientific papers, as well as more than 160 pieces of independent clinical research on your device. Most of them confirmed that IQOS aerosol contains significantly less harmful substances than cigarette smoke.

IQOS tobacco aerosol contains on average 95% less harmful chemicals.3 Our evidence also shows that switching completely to IQOS presents less risk to your health than continuing to smoke.

Difference 4. Cigarettes produce high amounts of carbon monoxide, IQOS doesn’t
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that is produced as a result of burning organic matter, in particular while burning a cigarette.

СCigarettes produce high amounts of carbon monoxide, IQOS doesn’t. IQOS heats tobacco, producing on average 98% less carbon monoxide (CO) and significantly lower levels of other harmful chemicals compared to cigarettes.4

Difference 5. IQOS is backed up by science
For example, did you know that IQOS is the first and yet only tobacco heating system was recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as Modified Risk Tobacco Product?

The USA FDA has concluded that switching completely from cigarettes to IQOS reduces your body’s exposure to harmful or potentially harmful chemicals.5

Difference 6. IQOS is racing towards smoke-free future
Over 400 scientists and engineers at the PMI R&D Center in Switzerland have been developing and testing IQOS for 12 years, moving towards a new smoke-free future.

More than $ 8.1 billion has been spent as a result of this work. The company's vision is that one day the smoke-free products will completely replace cigarettes.

Difference 7. IQOS has a number of advantages in daily life
You already know that, unlike cigarettes, IQOS does not burn tobacco and, therefore, does not produce smoke and ash. With this advantage, many of our customers have noticed that:
  • IQOS leaves less odor on hands, hair and clothes than cigarettes.
  • IQOS has no negative impact on indoor air quality.
  • Due to the lack of second-hand smoke, using IQOS is less likely to disturb others nearby.

Smokers that have switched to IQOS have also noticed a number of personal hygiene benefits:

  • Their breath is fresher than when they smoke cigarettes.
  • There’s less unpleasant feeling and aftertaste left in their mouth compared to after finishing smoking a cigarette.
  • IQOS leaves less stains on their fingertips and teeth than cigarettes do.6

Every day, thousands of adult smokers around the world stop smoking and start heating tobacco with IQOS. Completely switching to IQOS is a better alternative to your health than continuing to smoke.7

1Source: PMI Financial or Estimate Documents, IQOS User Panels and Market Study by PMI Status as of December 2020. IQOS users who have completely given up cigarettes, for whom the PMI Heatstick makes up at least 70% of the number tobacco consumed during the last 7 days.

2Average reductions in levels of a range of harmful chemicals (excluding nicotine) compared to cigarette smoke. Important information: The absence of tar does not mean that IQOS is risk-free. IQOS provides nicotine which is addictive.
Important information: The absence of tar does not mean that IQOS is risk free. IQOS provides nicotine which is addictive.

3Important information: IQOS is not risk free, it provides nicotine which is addictive.

4 Important information: This does not mean at 98% reduction in risk. IQOS is not risk free, and delivers nicotine which is addictive.
Source: We measured the levels of certain harmful chemicals prioritized for reporting by renowned public health organizations, and these are reduced on average by 95% compared to the smoke of a cigarette (nicotine excluded).

5Source: FDA

6If teeth are already stained, switching to IQOS will not reverse the color of those stains.
SourceNon-clinical laboratory study conducted in Switzerland with human teeth and the most widely used dental composites. Contrary to real world conditions, teeth were not exposed to other staining substances which may influence the results.

7Source: PMI Financial or Estimate Documents, IQOS User Panels and Market Study by PMI Status as of December 2020. IQOS users who have completely given up cigarettes, for whom the PMI Heatstick makes up at least 70% of the number tobacco consumed during the last 7 days.

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