
Presenting the new lil SOLID Es

Yes, this summer is going to be full of new experiences and here's the first news. 🤩
lil SOLID Es new generation tobacco heating devices are already available in Armenia 🎉

Simple and all-in-one Es is here to replace the lil SOLID 2.0. This newly styled device will be available in the market in 5 bright and distinctive colors - rose gold, mint, white, black, and blue.

lil SOLID Es new generation tobacco heating devices are already available in Armenia.

What makes the new lil SOLID Es different from the previous 2.0?

lil SOLID Es works with heating technology and uses the needle to heat the tobacco instead of burning it.

The main difference of the new Es model is the 5 stylish solutions, the glossy finish of the device and lighter weight.

Where can I get the new lil SOLID Es device?

The new generation device lil SOLID Es can now be ordered online or purchased from our branded stores in Dalma, Yerevan Mall and Mega Mall.

Very soon it will be available in all our other stores as well.

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