
Cigarettes Produce Tar – IQOS ILUMA Doesn’t 

Tobacco at the tip of cigarettes burns at a high temperature, producing a large amount of harmful chemicals contained in smoke. 

Unlike cigarettes, IQOS ILUMA heats tobacco to a much lower temperature. Hence, there are differences between cigarettes and this particular tobacco heating system. 

IQOS ILUMA heats tobacco instead of burning it by delivering nicotine, real taste, and satisfaction of tobacco. Meanwhile, the main cause of smoking-related issues is not nicotine, but the burning process and tar. 

Tar is the residue from smoke after a cigarette is burned.  

Unlike cigarettes, IQOS ILUMA heats tobacco to a much lower temperature. Hence, there are differences between cigarettes and this particular tobacco heating system. 

IQOS ILUMA does not produce tar because it heats tobacco instead of burning it. It generates an aerosol residue that is fundamentally different from tar and consists of significantly lower levels of harmful chemicals.* 

Switching completely to IQOS ILUMA is less harmful than continuing to smoke. ** 

Cigarettes taste like smoke. IQOS tastes like real tobacco, without smoke. 

The taste you get from cigarettes is in fact the taste of the smoke released when tobacco is burnt. Because IQOS heats tobacco instead of burning it, you get the taste of real tobacco, with 95% less harmful chemicals*** than cigarettes․ 

You can learn about all the scientific advantages of IQOS ILUMA devices here.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The absence of tar does not mean that IQOS is risk-free. IQOS provides nicotine which is addictive. 

* Reductions in levels of the 9 harmful chemicals the World Health Organization recommends to reduce in cigarette smoke, which do not include nicotine. 
** Based on the totality of evidence available for IQOS in comparison with continuing to smoke.   
***Important information: It does not necessarily equal a 95% reduction in risk. IQOS is not risk-free. “95% less” represents the average reduction in levels of the 9 chemicals recommended for reduction in cigarette smoke by the World Health Organization, which do not include nicotine.

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