
Important information from the IQOS team

We care about the safety and comfort of our users. With this sense of responsibility we will temporarily provide all possible services online.

All products are available to order by calling +37444004767 or by visiting iqos.com

Note that the price of IQOS 3 DUO has changed. This model is already available for 39,000 AMD

How to clean and disinfect IQOS

The decreased volume of the aerosol, changes in taste and smell, or an odor may be due to improper or infrequent cleaning of the device. Improper cleaning of the device cap can lead to formation of slabs, which can harden the heating blade and the chamber of the device, limiting airflow.

  • To ensure a stable taste we suggest cleaning your IQOS daily. This will ensure a fast and smooth cleaning process.
  • Wipe the outside of the Charger, the Holder and the associated accessories with a wipe containing 62–71% ethanol.
  • Thoroughly clean the blade, the inside area of the holder surrounding the blade and the whole extractor with IQOS cleaning sticks.

We suggest to contact our customer care center in case of warranty service and any other issues, safely without leaving home.

Call +37444004767 every day 09։00-21։00 and get support

Go through self-diagnostics by following the instructions of our Viber Bot online

Get introduced to IQOS during quarantine

Find the answers to all your question n this constantly updated section of our site

If you have any questions, concerns or comments, let us know

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