
Refreshed exchange program

The Old Device Exchange program is available for IQOS ILUMA devices.

The market price of the IQOS ILUMA devices is 20 999 AMD. Meanwhile, by participating in the "Old Device Exchange" program, you can purchase a new IQOS ILUMA device for an additional fee of 15.999 AMD.

Within the program, you can also make an exchange to IQOS ILUMA with an additional fee of 15 999 AMD. 

Within the program, you can also make an exchange to IQOS ILUMA with an additional fee of 15 999 AMD.

A few simple steps to IQOS ILUMA exchange:

✓ You need to return your old device to one of our official point of sales
✓ Add a surcharge
✓ And get a new device within minutes.

You can use the program not only in Yerevan, but also in all our official point of sales in the regions.

You can use the program not only in Yerevan, but also in all our official  point of sales in the regions.

*Free delivery of orders exceeding 4500 drams is also available in Yerevan for online orders.
Orders registered before 14:00 will be delivered the same day.

The terms and conditions of the Old Device Exchange program have been updated. You can find it here.

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