What is IQOS?
Real tobacco, real progress
Key reasons to switch
Discover science
Small steps, bigger change
Discover Services
Advanced and refined
Enhancing, what's familiar
Pocket-size all-in-one
Simple and all in one
What is IQOS?
Real tobacco, real progress
Key reasons to switch
Discover science
Small steps, bigger change
Discover Services
HEETS Summer Breeze, Fiit Tropic and Fiit Viola in limited quantities
A small guide on how to switch to better alternatives?
What are the advantages of smoke-free alternatives?
In this article we will talk about IQOS and lil as a tobacco heating systems, why heating is the basis of this system. How is it different from burning? Why are IQOS and lil a better alternative than continuing to smoke?
How they differ from each other and what is the better choice
How is IQOS tobacco vapour different from cigarette smoke