How will I know how many uses are left with my IQOS ILUMA?

Support Category IQOS ILUMA Devices How will I know how many uses are left with my IQOS ILUMA?
Support Category IQOS ILUMA Devices How will I know how many uses are left with my IQOS ILUMA?

There are couple of ways you can check how many uses you have left. Either on the holder itself or by checking the pocket charger with the holder inside. Here’s how:

To check the status on the holder: Tilt the holder towards you or short press the button. The lights will indicate the battery level. 2 lights mean ready for 2 uses, 1light means ready for 1 use.

Checking on the pocket charger: Short Press Pocket Charger Button. Pocket Charger light will turn on: 2 lights mean ready for 2 uses and 1 light means ready for 1 use.

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