Why does autostart not work with my IQOS ILUMA?

Support Category IQOS ILUMA Devices Why does autostart not work with my IQOS ILUMA?
Support Category IQOS ILUMA Devices Why does autostart not work with my IQOS ILUMA?

If your IQOS ILUMA doesn't start on its own then please:

  • • Check that you’re only using TEREA sticks
  • • Make sure they’re being placed in the right direction in the holder
  • • Place the holder in the pocket charger and perform a RESET. To do this, press and hold down the pocket charger button for 10 seconds until the lights fade out. The RESET is confirmed when you release the button and all of the lights blink 2 times

If the holder starts on its own without a TEREA stick inserted then please follow these step:

  • • Place the holder in the pocket charger and perform a RESET. To do this, press and hold down the pocket charger button for 10 seconds until the lights fade out. The RESET is confirmed when you release the button and all of the lights blink 2 times

Remember, you can start your tobacco experience manually by inserting your TEREA stick into the holder and pressing the button for two seconds to activate your experience. If it still doesn’t work, visit your nearest IQOS store and one of our agents will fix the problem for you or call our Call Center.